Free Fantasy Golf for the PGA Tour.
Create private leagues with friends.
Sign up now
Every PGA Tournament
Create leagues based on real PGA events.
Simple scoring
Lowest combined score of your picks wins, simple.
One league for one tournament
Only play for the tournaments you care about.
Invite friends
Copy the invite code to your group chat and get friends to join.
Entry fee
Set an entry fee or make it free to play.
Live leaderboards
Check the league standings hole-by-hole in real time.
Screenshot of app leaderboard
How it works
Join a league
Join a league or create your own, choose your house rules and invite your mates.
Choose your picks
Choose your picks and keep track of the score on the live leaderboard.
Settle up
Settle up with your friends when the tournament ends through an honour system.
1. Is it completely free to play?
Yes playing is completely free.
2. How does settling up with the league winner work?
Settling up is an honour system between you and your friends and should be done outside of the app.
3. Can I join more than one league for the same tournament?
Yes you can join as many leagues with as many friend groups as you like.
4. Do I need to set an entry fee for a league?
No, entry fees can be set to 0 if you want to play for fun.
5. Why can't I make my picks for a league that I'm in?
Picks can only be made when their associated tournaments field has been confirmed. At the latest this is usually the week before the tournament starts.
6. Can the odds for the field change in the run up to the tournament starting?
No, although odds from the bookmakers change, odds in the app are locked in once and do not change. This ensures an even playing field for all league members.
7. When is the deadline for setting picks?
05:00am on the day the tournament starts. Keep in mind the tournament timezone. For example the 2024 Masters starts on Thu 11th April 2024, so the deadline for picks is Thu 11th April 2024 05:00 GMT-5.
8. Is there a limit to the number of league members?
Currently leagues are limited to 40 members.
9. Can I leave a league before it starts?
Yes you may leave a league as long as it's before the tournament start time.
10. Are you planing any other league formats?
Yes other league formats are being worked on, if you have any ideas for formats we'd love to hear!